Welcome to the Municipality of Neebing's Public Notices & Hearings webpage.
Public notices give you information about Municipal proceedings.
Municipal Government has a duty to inform residents about its programs, services, policies and decisions. Open and transparent communication from municipal government to its residents is vital and the proper dissemination of public notices assures that the public is informed about important changes that may impact their community.
Public Notices include items such as:
There are not items for public consultation at this time.
The following matter will be reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council to be held on February 19, 2025 at 5:30 pm:
Application for Re-zoning - 356 Little Trout Bay Road (Z01-2025) |
The following matters were reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on January 15, 2025:
Application for Minor Variance - 788 Cloud Lake Road (B10-2024) |
Application for Severance and Re-zoning- Mining Location K16 (B11-2024 / Z04-2024) |
The following matter was reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on December 18, 2024:
Application for Severance - 256 Mannisto Road East (B09-2024) |
The following matters were reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on June 5, 2024:
Application for Re-zoning - 240 Mink Mountain Drive (Z01-2024) |
The following matters were reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on March 6, 2024:
Application for Severance - 240 Mink Mountain Drive (B01-2024) |
The following matter was reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on August 22, 2022:
By-law to Adopt the Official Plan (Subject to Provincial Approval) |
Due to a technicality it is necessary for Council to repeal the by-law passed on November17, 2021 and pass a new by-law to adopt the Official Plan. There have been no changes to the proposed Official Plan since it was passed on November 17, 2021. The purpose of the public meeting is to pass the new by-law to adopt the Official Plan. |
The following matter was reviewed at the Regular Meeting of Council held on November 17, 2021:
By-law to Adopt the Official Plan (Subject to Provincial Approval) |
Wording changes were formally adopted by Council on April 7, 2021. Mapping was not available at the time, however, verbal descriptions of mapping changes were provided at the public meeting. Apart from some technical amendments (i.e. changes to the titles of provincial ministries) no wording changes are being considered by Council on November 17th, from those previously approved April 7th. The purpose of the public meeting is to consider the final wording for Neebing’s proposed Official Plan, as well as the map schedules to the plan. |
The following matters were reviewed at a Special Meeting of Council held on March 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm:
Proposed Changes to the Official Plan |
Submit comments by contacting the Clerk or attending the meeting at the link below on March 24, 2021. |
Proposed Changes to the Zoning By-law |
Submit comments by contacting the Clerk or attending the meeting at the link below on March 24, 2021. |